Mumbai: TAC Security has launched its new ESOF Vulnerability Management Detection and Response (VMDR) solution.
The company said that ESOF VMDR secures networks with complete vulnerability and risk management from one central console.
“Our ESOF VMDR platform offers all the capabilities available from today’s vulnerability and risk management providers with several critical new capabilities, ” said Trishneet Arora, TAC Security’s Founder and CEO.
“ESOF VMDR is the only product to combine in a Single Console vulnerability management for people, infrastructure and applications, incidents, governance risk and compliance (GRC). Our five key capabilities dramatically reduce the time for security leaders to understand and mitigate their cyber risks in the age of Zero Trust,” added Arora.
According to TAC Security, the new ESOF solution is a single platform that provides vulnerability assessment across the entire IT stack. It also provides an aggregate score of cyber risk that incorporates data from the widest view of an organisation’s vulnerabilities.
Among ESOF’s unique features is an AI-powered Cyber Risk Score that provides a single score for the enterprise and drill-down visibility into risk by business unit.
This enables IT and security teams to efficiently communicate, prioritize and take action to improve their security posture. ESOF also ingests data from multiple sources to provide the most comprehensive picture available of an organisation’s risks.
ESOF VMDR incorporates three core capabilities: discover and catalogue all IT assets, vulnerability assessment scanning, and vulnerability remediation.
• ESOF VMDR integrates cloud agents, active scanner capability and network analysis to discover all infrastructure assets automatically without the need for human intervention. This includes unmanaged hardware and software assets.
● It provides virtual scanning technology to actively find assets and vulnerabilities anywhere in a network environment, including cloud and mobile.
● It then initiates a remediation process and provides automatic follow-up, so IT and security teams know which critical vulnerabilities have been patched.
ESOF VMDR offers the widest vulnerability management coverage in a single platform, its next-generation vulnerability management combines legacy vulnerability assessment plus multiple security tools to analyze mobile, phishing, SIEM, people, GRC and threat intelligence risks.
It gives IT and security teams a view of vulnerability history with the pattern and type found going back five years since onboarding. And, ESOF VMDR is cost-effective, dramatically less expensive than competitive solutions.
ESOF VMDR builds on the capabilities of TAC Security’s ESOF suite of vulnerability and risk solutions, including:
● Vulnerability Management Platform (VMP) – which ingests data and prioritizes a network’s most critical vulnerabilities and vulnerable assets, accelerating the remediation process with these key features:
o Top 10 assets and vulnerabilities reports automatically prioritize the most critical vulnerabilities on the significant assets of an organisation
o Daily, weekly, monthly, annual scans by asset type or business Units
o Analysis of assets by Business Unit structure to manage rapidly across organisations
o Notification of possible zero-day vulnerable assets that exist in your IT Stack.
● AppSec – Performs scheduled scans via black box and grey box testing, discovers all potential vulnerabilities with zero false positives, enables teams to take immediate action on most probable business threats and creates a detailed report of the top-10 vulnerabilities along with the severity of the risk.
“Organisations often need to take a fresh look at their vulnerability management abilities and upgrade them with the newer solutions to reduce the opportunity for breaches,” said Lt. General Rajesh Pant, National Cyber Security Coordinator.
“TAC Security’s new ESOF VMDR includes a range of new features that security teams and leaders should review and consider before selecting a risk and vulnerability management provider. This is an excellent product for CyberSecurity. Prevention is always better than cure!,” added Lt. General Pant.