Tokyo, Japan: Quantum computing has come under scrutiny due to mounting concerns related to threats posed by it to cryptographic methods. With regard to such concerns, Fujitsu carried out some trials recently using its Fujitsu quantum simulator on the RSA cryptosystem.
Fujitsu said it conducted successful trials this month to evaluate the widely-used RSA cryptosystem for possible vulnerability to code-cracking by quantum computers.
During these trials, a 39-qubit Fujitsu quantum simulator assessed the RSA cryptosystem’s vulnerability to potential quantum computer cryptography threats. These trails ran a Shor’s algorithm to check the resources necessary to perform such a task.
Three developers Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman developed the RSA Cryptosystem. The system uses a private key for decryption and a public key for encryption.
In 1994, US-based theoretical computer scientist and mathematician Peter Shore developed a quantum algorithm to perform integer factorisation at high speed.
Fujitsu researchers discovered a fault-tolerant quantum computer with a scale of approximately 10,000 qubits and 2.23 trillion quantum gates would be required to crack RSA — well beyond the capabilities of even the most advanced quantum computers in the world today.
Researchers further estimated that it would be necessary to conduct fault-tolerant quantum computation for about 104 days to successfully crack RSA.
While the research reveals that the limitations of present quantum computing technology preclude the possibility of this threat in the short term, Fujitsu will continue to proactively evaluate the potential impact of increasingly powerful quantum computers on cryptography security, as well as the eventual need for quantum-resistant cryptography.
“Our research demonstrates that quantum computing doesn’t pose an immediate threat to existing cryptographic methods,” said Dr Tetsuya Izu, Senior Director of Data and Security Research at Fujitsu Limited and Global Fujitsu Distinguished Engineer.
“We cannot be complacent either, however. The world needs to begin preparing now for the possibility that one day quantum computers could fundamentally transform the way we think about security,” added Izu.
With plans to boost the performance of the Futijsu quantum simulator to 40 qubits by the first quarter of fiscal 2023, and recently revealed plans to build a 64 qubit superconducting quantum computer within fiscal 2023 with the cooperation of RIKEN, Fujitsu remains at the vanguard of research and development in this critical field.